Be a World Student

We unlock Exchange around the world!

Plan, Hire and Save Money: Realize your dream in a few steps

Free Registration

Start your planning by registering for free on the platform. After registration, you will have access to information about the country you want to study, research and choose the ideal school for your Exchange project

Research and Quotation

Get access to budgets directly from multiple schools, without intermediaries

Contract your project

With the comparison of budgets, you have the possibility to hire the Exchange and accommodation directly with the school that will best serve you, according to your project

Outstanding schools!

School: Connect with hundreds of potential students. Here are some of the advantages:

Connect with hundreds of people who are interested in realizing the Exchange dream
Get Demographic Profile reports from people who want to take a Language course and attract more leads
Submit budgets and close the course and accommodation contract directly through the platform easily, quickly and securely